For a full description please follow this link: What is CAT?
All our therapists offer full CAT individual therapies. Between them they have over 50 years experience of working with CAT and other forms of therapy. Please look at therapists’ individual pages for their backgrounds and specialisms. Sessions cost between £90 and £110.
Traditional CAT therapies are 16 or 24 sessions. However, we have found over the years that individuals need a tailored approach. Therefore when working with a Collaborate therapist the session number will be discussed after the Reformulation letter has been written.
We currently use the CORE OM to evaluate the work we do. This is a client self-report questionnaire designed to be administered before and after therapy. Developed in the 1990s it is now the most widely used evaluation tool for therapies. It is estimated that over 3500 psychology, psychotherapy and counselling practitioners use it across a range of clinical settings.